
Pico Rivera community calls for ceasefire

On January 23rd, 2024, residents of Pico Rivera attended the City Council meeting to call for a resolution supporting a ceasefire in Gaza.

Pico Rivera resident Lauren Ruiz has been calling for a ceasefire since 2023, and said “I miss the times when I didn’t know any of your names. When I thought that Mayor Lara was a nurse who was committed to protecting lives.”

Ruiz strongly criticized the Council’s failure to call for a ceasefire, “I have seen children pick up pieces of their father’s skull and put it in their backpack, so they can go and give their father a good burial. I am tired that I’ve seen bombs with our name on them next to the corpses of children. Aren’t you tired of that?”

Pointing to a group of supporters, Southeast Los Angeles for Palestine, Ruiz said “When I was here 70 days ago, I was alone, but guess what we’re here and we’re going to have more numbers each time, until you do something. And if that’s not enough, we’re coming for your City Council positions next year.”

Also speaking was Aaron Reveles, Congressional candidate under the Peace and Freedom Party. He said “A majority of Americans support an end to this genocide. We’ve emailed, texted, called our Congressional Representatives. Yet a majority of both the Democratic and Republican parties have refused to set aside their support for an apartheid state. We come to Pico Rivera to ask you to call for a ceasefire on the next agenda.”

Marine Corps veteran and long-time Pico Rivera resident said “Approximately 30,000 people have been killed, 2 million have been displaced. I’m asking you to put a ceasefire resolution on the agenda so we can begin saving lives. It is important for Pico Rivera to step in, seeing that it is our taxpayer money that is funding these atrocities.”

A resident, Ms. Margaret, said “The world has been asleep for almost 75 years, but not any longer. We are witnessing in real time a genocide. The US has pledged billions under Obama, Trump, and Biden. I ask that you pave the way in solidarity with other cities in support of Cori Bush’s resolution. Consider the children, consider the women. Do the right thing. Viva Viva Palestina!”

Outside the Council Chamber, the residents gathered and committed to growing their movement in the Southeast Los Angeles area.

Southeast Los Angeles for Palestine at Pico Rivera City Council (Photo credit: SELA Report).

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