Central Basin finally agendizes meeting on controversial Manager

After months of inaction, the Central Basin Municipal Water District has agendized a special meeting on the employment of controversial General Manager Alex Rojas.

The meeting agenda says that the Board will be discussing “Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release Government Code §54954.53(e) and 54957(b).” This could result in anything from extending Rojas’ contract to ending his employment.

Community members believe that the meeting has come about because of the fact that Rojas is being charged by the District Attorney with 18 criminal counts, focusing on his previous conduct as Superintendent of Bassett Unified School District. According to the District attorney, Rojas mismanaged bond money that was aimed at improving the educational experience of students.

Responding to a request for comment, Board Member Leticia Vasquez Wilson said, “I’ve exposed Rojas for his conduct at Bassett, which is the same pattern of conduct I see playing out at Central Basin. And now they are actually attempting to strip me of my right to vote on this issue of public concern.”

On the whole, the meeting represents a turnaround from earlier this year, when Central Basin refused to discuss Rojas’ charges. The Board even went as far as clamping down on the speech of members of the public, and had to be formally reprimanded by the ACLU for clamping down on the First Amendment rights of Juan Martinez, an outspoken critic of Rojas.

The special meeting is set to take place on July 5th. at the Whittier Doubletree Hotel. Members of the public will be able to give a public comment before the Board begins their closed session deliberation.

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